Innovations Skin Clinic


Beauty Secrets of AlumierMD

The latest in specialist treatments is now available here at Innovations Beauty Clinic in the form of AlumierMD and the science sitting behind it is phenomenal. Results offer clear, beautiful skin via the next generation of clinical exfoliation. But what exactly are the benefits of this cutting edge chemical peel? What chemicals are they made up of and how do they aid skin regeneration? Read on to learn how this type of chemical peel will benefit you.

What is lactic and salicylic acid and why do you use these at Innovations Beauty?

Lactic acid offers gentle properties promoting regeneration for all skin types. Unlike other acids used within chemical peels, lactic acid is much less of an irritant offering skin hydration with brightening qualities. The mellow makeup of lactic acid means hypersensitive reactions are greatly lessened.

Salicylic acid is a fundamental ingredient in terms of the chemical peel for certain skin types. For acne prone skin, this particular acid has the ability to penetrate deep within the pores in order to combat spots and pimples at the root.

Based upon skin type, AlumierMD uses one or a combination of these acids and this will be discussed with you upon initial consultation. We have chosen this specialist treatment to offer our clients specifically because of the gentle properties found within both acid types alongside the amazing results.

Why are these acids useful and how will they affect my skin?

AlumierMD is a treatment that involves skin exfoliation via the use of gentle chemicals. When lactic acid gets to work the results offer low level peeling and an illuminating brightness of the skin. Redness levels are usually very mild and this will be based upon the concentration level of lactic acid. A few days after treatment you may experience slightly dry, flaky skin but overall skin trauma is kept to an absolute minimum because of the gentle properties of AlumierMD.

In contrast, salicylic acid exfoliates by loosening and breaking apart the outer layer skin cells. By unblocking pores, this gentle acid helps to directly attack acne whilst dissolving pimples and blackheads.

Are these acids always combined and are there specific treatments based on skin type?

Some treatments include both acids whilst others make use of just one and this surrounds the exact needs of your skin. At Innovations Beauty we have a number of different treatments available and we will discuss these with you during initial consultation. Let’s take our Radiant 30 as an example. This resurfacing peel contains lactic acid in order to exfoliate dead skin cells, encouraging the growth of new collagen stimulation promotes skin tone and texture making it ideal for the combat of fine lines and wrinkles, large pores, skin discoloration and sun damage.

In contrast we have the Radiant 20/10 resurfacing peel. Containing both the aforementioned acids this robust duo enhances tone and texture through skin exfoliation. Cells are speedily replenished whilst minimising fine lines and wrinkles. This particular peel is great for the reduction of acne and pimples. Six other treatment options are available.

Should any specific ingredients be avoided when embarking on a course of AlumierMD treatments?

It is highly recommended that the use of any other acids are avoided when undergoing a course of chemical peels. Glycolic acid specifically should be avoided as this acts as an irritant and can cause over exfoliation. Be sure to check the ingredients of your usual skincare products. Antioxidants however, offer skin protection when used alongside lactic acid but this is something your therapist will advise upon based on your treatment.

If you would like to discuss Alumier MD treatments in more detail and how they will benefit your skin, speak to our therapists today.