Do you want a professional treatment to address your skin concerns? Whether you have acne prone skin, enlarged pores, or an uneven complexion, a chemical skin peel may be just the treatment you need!
At Innovations Advanced Skin Care and Beauty we offer a range of beauty and aesthetics treatments – including chemical peels – in and around the Middlesbrough area. Here, you will find a wealth of information in terms of what a chemical peel is, the benefits of a chemical peel and what the treatment involves.
One of the most popular non-invasive treatments available to renew the skin, the peel uses 40% glycolic acid to accelerate the skin’s natural exfoliation with the objective to generate new, healthier, brighter skin via better collagen and elastin production. No discomfort is involved during this process and it’s suitable for all skin types.
Chemical peels are designed to deeply exfoliate the face to boost collagen production and leave behind better skin. If you’re interested in a chemical peel treatment in Middlesbrough, make sure you choose Innovations Advanced Skin Care & Beauty for the very best!
Please keep in mind that chemical peels are not suitable for certain skin conditions, so it’s always important to come to us for a consultation first! Don’t worry if a chemical peel isn’t right for you, we also offer micro-needling, LED light therapy, and more!
A chemical peel is a liquid which is applied to the face to remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new cells. The aim of this cosmetic procedure is to improve the appearance of the facial skin – for example a chemical peel can help to reduce age spots, acne scarring, and uneven skin tone to leave behind beautifully smooth skin.
There are three types of peel treatment:
Superficial Depth
Medium Depth
Deep Depth
Superficial and medium peels are usually safe, provided they’re administered correctly. Deeper peels can be more risky

The acidic solution is simply applied to your face and sometimes your neck, the acidic solution must always be applied to freshly cleansed skin. This will ensure that there is no barrier of other creams or pollution for it to fight through, this can also help to prevent any dirt from being drawn in.
It is important that you make sure your face is dry post cleanse, as water can neutralise and minimise the effects of the chemicals within the peel. Carry on reading to find what each type of peel involves.
- Skin cells removed from the top layer of skin
- Left on the skin for a few minutes
- Your skin may feel tight for a couple of hours afterwards
- Regular treatment is needed to maintain the effects
- Skin cells removed from the top and middle layers of the skin
- The peel is left on the skin for a few minutes
- A burning or stinging sensation may be felt when the peel is applied
- Your skin may go brown or red in the days afterwards
- It can take up to six weeks for the skin to return to normal
- Treatment is needed every 6 to 12 months to maintain the effects
- Affect deeper layers of skin
- A local anaesthetic and sedative may be needed
- A freezing sensation may be felt when the peel is applied
- Can be left on the face for 30 minutes or more, depending on the desired effect
- Your heart and blood pressure need to be monitored as phenol, the chemical used, can cause dangerous effects on the heart and kidneys
- Expect some peeling, redness and discomfort for a few days
- Swelling can last up to two weeks
- Skin redness can last up to three months
- Often results in lightening of the skin, so it’s not really suitable for darker skin
- It’s a one-off treatment with lasting effects, so doesn’t usually need to be repeated
Before undergoing a chemical peel you’ll want to consult a licensed practitioner to determine which type of chemical peel is best for you. Once you’ve determined the right one, prepare to love the results. A great chemical peel can:
Chemical peels reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles from the first peel by removing the outer layer of your skin to reveal a new layer that is fresh, smooth, and unlined. Sometimes a light peel is sufficient for addressing surface wrinkles. Depending on your cosmetic goals, a moderate or deep peel may be a better solution.
Moderate chemical peels treat both surface acne and some light scarring by penetrating more deeply into the skin. For diminishing the appearance of more significant acne scars, a deeper peel is required. One clinical study found that a phenol peel reduce acne scars in 100% of participants, with the overall severity of the scars improved by a mean of 75.12%.
Studies have reported that chemical peels containing salicylic acid reduce acne by 47-75%, and 50-95% of patients saw their acne significantly improved with peels containing glycolic acid as well. Most chemical peels that treat acne are on the lighter side, as acne is typically a surface skin issue.
1: Freshen and Brighten Skin
4 – 6:Treat Mild/Moderate Acne
6: Complete Skin Rejuvenation
6 – 12: For Deeper more Advanced Results
How long will a chemical peel last?
The new layer of skin will start to appear in around seven to ten days after the treatment, complete healing can take around two months or longer. However, this all depends on the type of chemical peel you have, whether it’s light, medium or deep, as well as how your skin is anyway.
What should I do after the chemical peel?
We recommend using a gentle cleanser, moisturiser and an SPF as this will help the healing process and your results. Normal activity can be resumed after the peel however strenuous exercise and heavy sweating should be avoided for 2 to 3 days.
Can I wash my face after a chemical peel?
As specialists in chemical peels, we recommend that you wait 12 to 24 hours after the chemical peel to wash your face. It’s also important that you use a gentle cleanser that contains no salicylic or alpha hydroxy acids or other harsh chemicals. You can also use a washcloth with a mild face wash to lightly exfoliate the dead skin.
Is it normal to break out after a chemical peel?
Yes, this is totally normal, a chemical peel will accelerate your cell turnover and it’s normal to have a purging phase when you start treating the skin. During the beginning stage you may notice things like breakouts and areas of pigmentation getting darker.
Can I wear makeup after a chemical peel?
If it’s a low strength chemical peel that you can start wearing makeup the next day, so wearing makeup will depend on the depth of the chemical peel as well as the rate that your skin heals following the cosmetic procedure.
How often should I get a chemical peel?
Generally it’s best to get a peel every four to six weeks, but if you suffer from acne, there are some peels that you can do every two weeks until you get the results that you want. It’s a great idea to have a series of four to five peels as this will allow you to ensure you’ll receive the results that you want.
Are chemical peels safe?
Yes, absolutely, the chemical peels we provide are safe when they’re used in the right hands, however the process of a chemical peel can be harmful if it’s not done correctly, before you get a chemical peel, it’s important that you come for a consultation.
Book an appointment with one of our beauty therapists today and make Innovations Advanced Skin Care and Beauty your first choice for chemical peels and Alumier MD treatments in Middlesbrough. Our chemical peel specialists at Innovations Advanced Skin Care and Beauty are here for you when it comes to an effective skin treatment that offers real results.
Look no further than Innovations Advanced Skin Care and Beauty for Chemical Peels in Middlesbrough give our advanced skin clinic a call today to speak to a friendly therapist. We’ll be there for you throughout your treatment, putting full confidence in our acne clinic as well as the treatments we have available. We also provide chemical peels in Stockton and Yarm too as well as a range of other treatments, including SkinPen microneedling, acne treatments, and more!