Innovations Skin Clinic

Massage Treatments

Andreas top tips when missing your massages

Hope all our lovely clients are doing well and coping throughout this time.

I’ve been thinking about my massage clients and how vital their treatments are to a lot of them. I know to some of you your massage appointment is your only time for some much needed relaxation.

The benefits of massage are immense helping to reduce muscle tension, improve circulation, reduce stress hormones, improve skin tone, improve sleep quality and reduce anxiety and depression.

All this time without your regular treatment could be playing havoc with your mental and physical well being. It’s a stressful time for everybody and being stuck indoors all the time takes its toll on our health physically and emotionally. Despite us being out of action for the time being there’s a few simple things you can do for yourself until we can work our magic again.

As you all know I love my little well being rituals and promote these at any opportunity  so here’s a little reminder.

A quick easy way for you to keep your muscles flexible and help maintain your range of motion in joints is slow stretches each morning or even at regular intervals throughout the day, I’d certainly recommend this to our sports massage clients. Also whilst doing these you can add in some breathing techniques to help calm your mind and manage stress.
I use apps with guided meditation or calming music whilst doing my stretches each morning  all of this is hugely beneficial to our overall health, helping reduce cortisol levels. We should all be attempting to keep these levels as low as possible as high stress levels have a negative effect on our immune system.

If you’re struggling to sleep indulge in a hot candle lit bath before bed, pop some Elemis oil in if you have some at home, if not ask us what’s available for contactless delivery. This is also a good time for breathing techniques and relaxing music or meditation. All of these will help you unwind and calm the mind and prepare for sleep.

Finally….stay hydrated!!  Your body needs water in every single cell, inadequate water intake can lead to muscle cramps as well as a whole range of other problems, it also helps with digestion and removing waste.

All these tips together will tide you over until our next massage appointment and put you in the best position possibly for us to pick up your treatments when we return.

I hope you’re all adopting wellbeing habits at home whilst we get through this and hopefully you’ll be back in one of our lovely treatment rooms soon having a much earned pamper.

Take care Andrea.