Innovations Skin Clinic

Clinical Exfoliation with AlumierMD

Clinical Exfoliation with AlumierMD

AlumierMD is the latest in specialist treatments and available here at Innovations Beauty.

But what exactly is is?

It would be fair to say that we all desire amazing skin, the kind that portrays a bright, clear and flawless complexion. AlumierMD treatments are the next generation of clinical exfoliation via chemical peels and what makes them unique is the science that sits behind them. Treatments are made up of specific complex ingredients based upon the skin issues as discussed with our therapists. These may include the fine lines attached with ageing, pigmentation or acne. Having determined the best course of action your experience will be bespoke to requirements and include an exfoliating peel treatment, brightening enhancement and prescriptive target serums. Results provide smooth, radiant skin.

What does a chemical peel involve?

The terminology itself can sound a little daunting but it really isn’t, especially when carried out by the professionals. Quite simply, the application of a safe acid to the skin lowers the PH. This in turn begins to work on loosening connections between dead skin cells. Working as an exfoliant new cell growth is stimulated as the dead skin begins to peel away. What is left is fresh new skin made up from rejuvenated skin cells.

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If it’s good enough for the celebs..

When it comes to skin treatments, many of us are guided by the stars simply because this is how we get to hear about the latest methods. So who exactly indulges in chemical peels? Friends star Courteney Cox was self-conscious about spots on her hands and used a hand peel to counteract these. Gwyneth Paltrow has amazing skin and likes to ensure its upkeep. Light chemical peels refresh her already great complexion and with an added deep cleansing skincare routine we see nothing more than radiant results when this actress appears in the public eye.

How will it work for me?

Results are based upon skin type and the specific areas of improvement you are looking for. The important thing to bear in mind is that perfect skin does not appear overnight. A single AlumierMD peel will give skin radiance in the first instance but for long-lasting more significant results you are looking at an eight-week timescale. During this time a course of six peels will be administered treating fine lines, any textural issues and inflamed acne. Our therapists will discuss your unique needs during consultation advising on the best course of action.

Is it safe?

The safety profile attached to AlumierMD’s chemical peel is second to none. Light to medium depth peels offers gradual results that directly avoid the side effects and downtime attached with deeper more invasive treatments. The body is required to get used to the treatment gradually and this is why eight weeks is an ideal timescale. As previously mentioned, this treatment specifically exfoliates surface layers of the skin. The body’s natural reaction to this is to renew the cells.

AlumierMD at Innovations Beauty offers a number of different treatments and these are based around your skin tone and desired results. If you are looking to reduce fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation, for example, the Glow Peel is ideal. By exfoliating dead skin cells and encouraging the growth of new, strength is customised by the number of layers applied. In contrast, the Refining Clay Treatment, whilst also promoting the growth of fresh new cells works on clearing trapped oil whilst soothing and maintaining skin hydration.

To begin your skincare journey with Innovations Beauty get in touch with our professional therapists today and we will discuss AlumierMD.


Innovations Alumiers